Sunday, October 28, 2007

I want to do online statements and online bill pay

According to the October 2007 issue of Conscious Choice (, some interesting statistics/tips on the topic of online statements and bill pay.

* 18.5 million trees will be saved annually if all Americans viewed/paid bills online.
* 18 percentage is chances of identity theft reduced with online bills.

You may have noticed that the credit card companies have been coaxing you to switch to online statements. Well, there is their hidden agenda of saving costs (of paper statements). But if you look further, it is beneficial to the entire world.

How does online statements and online bill pay help the world?

Let us first start with your own home:
- It will save you from clutter.
- When the time comes for you to discard them (say in few years), you will need to ensure that you shred them (lest you fall victim to identity thefts).

Please enroll right away in online statements and online bill pays.

A very nice blog entry on the paper clutter in your homes > Five Steps towards impact-awareness: Paper Clutter

Now if you receive all those paper catalogs at home, you can stop them by using this organization called as "Catalog Choice".

If you use a PC or a Laptop, then please download this tool called as "Local Cooling". It can help in saving energy.

More than 30 billion kilowatt-hours of energy is wasted because many of us simply forget to shut down our computers when we’re not using them. If we could just improve the efficiency of how we use our PCs, the savings in energy costs would be over $3 billion dollars! The CO2 emissions from just 15 computers are equivalent in energy terms to the gas consumption used by one car.

Read more on PC Power Consumption.


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