Sunday, October 28, 2007

Change in Lifestyle is necessary

There is too much talk on the reliance on oil around the world. Well, there is no doubt that we need to look for alternatives to reduce the reliance on Oil.

Same argument goes to the discussion on Carbon. Eamon O'Hara has written an excellent view point on the BBC Web Site.

Focusing on the need to reduce CO2 emissions has reduced the problem to one of carbon dioxide rather than on the unsustainable ways we live.

Read Here >>>

With the new push towards Biofuels, we see that the prices of Milk has been rising due to the shortage of corn (cattle feed) which goes into the production of bio fuels. The idea is not that price of milk/dairy is rising, it is the choice of corn as feed that needs to be looked at.

Iowa dairy farmer testifies to U.S. House Agriculture Committee on the effect of the biofuel revolution on dairy operation costs

“As many of you are well aware, commodity grain prices, particularly corn, have dramatically increased over the past seven months to price levels not seen since the mid 1990s,” Wonderlich said. “Many economists are attributing this phenomenon to a growing demand from the ethanol industry, which uses corn as its primary feedstock. While this is great for U.S. grain farmers that have experienced several consecutive years of depressed prices, it is tragically affecting the financial viability of dairy farmers.”

An interesting take on the issue of bio fuels by a UN expert.
UN expert seeks 5 yr moratorium on bio-fuels

"It is a crime against humanity to convert agricultural productive soil into soil which produces food stuff that will be burned into bio-fuel," he asserted.

Based on all this, I want to throw out a thought that it is impossible to solve global warming, environmental issues etc without having serious changes to life style, our choices and our intentions.

According to the October 2007 issue of Conscious Choice, New Yorkers can expect to live 9 months longer than the average American, thanks to the fast city walking. :)

Now do your part!!!!


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