Sunday, November 11, 2007

Next time you fly anywhere

remember that you are burning fuel.... I know some trips cannot be avoided. But if you can avoid flying or combine multiple flying trips into one or can use technology to deliver that presentation (when your physical presence is not required), you will be doing a lot of good to the environment as well as the future.

Just to give you a sense of how many gallons of fuel that a plane trip burns, I took this info from the ATA magazine for Oct/Nov/Dec 2007 in the CEO, Subodh Karnik's Welcome Message. According to him, a plane trip from California to Hawaii burns close to 5000 gallons of fuel (it is around 29 gallons per passenger). It is a welcome sign from CEO Karnik that ATA is trying to go green. But how much effort is really sufficient? Not very sure......


How much of an impact on the global climate change is the Air Traffic responsible?

According to the David Suzuki Foundation, it is around 5%.

Apparently, taking a vacation closer to home and choosing other efficient means of transport (Bus/Trains) can be beneficial to your aspirations of going green.

Look at this BBC report which talks about how the European Car makers are balking on the proposed emission targets.


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